If your hours have not been verified, that means that the Activity Contact has not verified your hours using the link that was included in the email or text that was sent to them or through their organization's x2VOL account.
We highly recommend telling your Activity Contact that they will be receiving an email from x2VOL (student-verification-noreply@x2vol.com) with subject of "Action Requested: Confirm hours for [student name]" so they can be on the lookout for it. This will help in getting your hours verified. This email is sent to the Activity Contact immediately after you click Submit for the Activity entry. You can also ask the Activity Contact to check their Spam folder to ensure they are not missing our emails.
If a few days have passed, and your hours have not been verified, you can do one of the following:
Keep in mind that our verification via email is a great feature but there are technological factors beyond our control. Some Activity Contacts may not receive the email (due to unique email filters) or choose not open the email or verify the hours. This does NOT mean your hours cannot be approved by your school. We recommend sending your school an alternative form of verification (paper, email, picture etc) if this is the case.